
Let My People Read is Helping The Gospel Coalition

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while (work and Seminary have taken a toll) but I wanted to get back to the page to let you know that I'm still here, and that we're going to get into giving mode. Our first target is helping The Gospel Coalition. If you're Reformed and don't know about TGC shame on you! Ok, seriously, it is an organization of gospel centered pastors, writers, theologians, etc... who get together to promote sound, gospel centered, biblical teaching.

Over at Justin Taylor's Blog, he has challenged us to help out the ministry (which has contributed a lot to the body of Christ) and join in a unique effort to raise funds as the year ends. Let My People Read is a blog that supports any effort to bring sound teaching to the Body. As such, we are going to help raise support and awareness of this great ministry. Please use our donation widget to make a simple 10 dollar donation.You can also go to (and help promote!) our donation page. Our hope is to raise $800 by months end. I should also let you know that those of us who raise the most will get tickets to next years Gospel Coalition Conference. Not that that's why we're doing it, but it would be nice to win. Thanks again, and look out for some more writing from me as my time opens up.
Keep looking out for more book and movie reviews, as well as some of my fiction writing. Thanks again for your help.