
Gay Protest Saturday Nov. 15-How will we respond?

If you haven't been watching the news, Gay groups have been marching across the state. They've marched in Salt Lake City against the Mormon church, against Saddleback Church, and today against the Los Angeles Cathedral in Los Angeles. How far will this go? Sad to say, it would seem that we are allowed to vote as long as it's for whats in vogue. But it also says that we are allowed to vote, so long as we leave behind that which is most important to us: our values and our worldview. So what are we supposed to do? This Saturday I ask that we fast and pray. If you know someone who is going to march on Saturday, take them out to eat on Friday and talk with them. Even more, listen. I know we'll disagree. As a matter of fact, they may not like our reasoning, but I think they will see that we care. After we pray, the ball is in our court. They will march against our churches, but we can respond with wild eyed extremism (the kind they make fun of on SNL), or we can respond with prayer, with love, and with a carefully reasoned case for traditional marriage. That last part was inspired due to something someone said at our New Reformation "Cheer Up Party".
The book of Luke and Acts were written to a Grecco-Roman audience with the aim of showing that Christianity is a legitimate faith amongst the many pagan faiths of the time. More so, that it was politically viable. I believe that our ideas still have weight and have much to offer. Indeed, they have shaped the Western society! I also believe that living those beliefs to their fullest (especially the mercy and compassion we have shown in the past) could well be one of the biggest testimonies to the world. So from sun up to sun down next Saturday, I'll be fasting and praying. How about you?

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