
MIssional Church?

OK, if you haven't been paying attention to the blogosphere, (or Google Trends) you no doubt have heard that the word of the day is MISSIONAL. For many, this word is associated with Emergent (and in some ways this is post-emergent) and in some circles it is being seen as the rise of something new (as well as theologically responsible). I've seen see it on the blogs of people like Dan Kimball (who has a new missional network developing that will be based on the highly evangelistic Lausanne Covenant) and even at Monergism, the Reformed (and Reformed friendly) Missional voices of Driscoll, Keller and Stetzer are beginning to be heard. So what is this?

It would seem (according to Google Trends) that somewhere in the last two years in this country, Canada and Australia, people have begun to wonder the same thing. And as a result, ministry in the west is taking a new direction. I think this is very important. Most statistics show that this country is already losing people its Christian population (to say nothing of the spiritual desert Europe is in). We are starting to see the West as a mission field again. Thus many are starting to think like missionaries again. I'm glad that I'll soon to be joining the SBC because this has always been their ethos. They were begun by Reformed Missionaries (the Founders) and they have a branch dedicated to missions in this continent too!

I'm glad to see Reformed people are playing a role is this shift. Thanks to people like Tim Keller, and Mark Driscoll. If you can think of anyone else let me know in the comments. The more I look into it, the more I know I will have to say about it. But for now, here are a few places that have gobs and gobs of info for you to think about
JR Woodward's blog
Simply Misional Blog
Ed Stetzer's Blog
The Resurgence
Acts 29 Network
Monergism Articles

Lots to think about, but as I read Stetzer's book (Breaking the Missional Code) and other books on the subject (I'll be going though the Redeemer Church Planting manual with my Pastor this year) I know I will have more to say. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, thanks for the link love. Great blog.


