
English Standard Bible: Literary Study Bible

What can i say? I love books and love using very good Bible study tools. One such tool i would love to recommend is the English Standard Bible Literary Study Bible (ESVLSB). This study Bible deals more with the literary aspects of the Bible. One of the things that we should focus on when studying scripture is the literary genre you are reading. So far it's great and has small notes throughout the text, and great introductions to each book, along with a literary glossary at the end. Great work. I recommend it to you. 5 Stars.

I might add, they haven't sold too well. Another sign that Evangelicals don't care about Bible study. So the good people at House of Bible's have them on sale at 50% off(I paid about $25 in all). Those of you who are bargain hunters better get there soon. And if you bring some old books, you can get store credit. Have fun.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm highly interested now. Good comment on our need for more literary genre acknowledgment.

    Although I'm far from OC... perhaps we can work out a deal where you pick it up for me...

